Monday, July 24, 2006

a letter from my good friend

Surat dari teman expatriat yang baik ... hangat ... keibuan dan selalu menjaga persahabatan senantiasa terpelihara ... i miss you Jane

Subject: Hello from California
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2006 17:32:39 -0700

Hi Farid (and Everyone),

I have received both your emails, Farid, and thanks so much for them. I have been very busy since arriving home. I had a huge problem with the mail while I was gone and it is taking me a long time with many phone calls, letters and appointments to get it straighten out. And some of my family who live in Los Angeles (700 miles away) drove up to visit me last week, they just left Monday. So, I have done very little emailing and am way behind with a lot of people.

I was so surprised to see Noer's website! It is very, very nice. I wish I could read what it says. Ask Darman to translate it for me.

I am sending copies of the photos I took that last night we were together. My car is being worked on today so I could not get to the Post Office. Hopefully, I'll have it back tomorrow and I can mail them. I will send them to Darman's address.

I had a wonderful visit in China. All the people I wanted to see in Guangzhou were there. There were lots of dinners, lunches and coffees.

Jane Graham and I went to a big Tai Chi competition, an artist friend put together an art exhibit in a local gallery featuring contemporary Chinese art: oil painting, sculpture and film. Again, I had a great time.

Then I flew to Beijing to visit my good Chinese friends Pamela and Helen. Pamela has started a Western-style preschool and she was very happy I could finally see it. I spent two days just being at her school and doing some training with her teachers. As a gift, Helen arranged for me to have a massage my last night there in my hotel room! She has a really good person who doe massage. She was right, he was excellent and it felt great. It was a nice way to end my visit!.

And no more trouble with my Visa card, thank goodness!!

Then I had the long flight across the Pacific Ocean to California. My daughter met me at the airport. I had dinner at her house with her husband and family. It was a nice return.

I see Java has had two earthquakes and a tsunami in the past couple of days! How awful! I must email to Ratna and be sure she is O.K.

That’s it for now. Be on the lookout for the photos.

Love and hugs to all of you, I miss you already.


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